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Social and health benefits

Considerable sums are paid out annually from the state budget as mandatory and obligatory social and health benefits. The Ministry of Industry and Trade as the manager of the budget provides a subsidy to DIAMO for that purpose and DIAMO, state enterprise, pays out these benefits.

The payments of the mandatory and obligatory social and health benefits are made both to current and former employees of DIAMO, state enterprise, as well as former employees of the wound up, privatised or otherwise restructured mining enterprise or their parts where DIAMO, state enterprise, is the successor organisation based on the decision of its founder. They include Rudné doly Příbram, state enterprise, Jihomoravské lignitové doly, state enterprise, Slezská důlní díla, joint-stock company, OKD, HBZS, joint-stock company, OKD, joint-stock company, Palivový kombinát Ústí, state enterprise.

Mandatory social and health benefits are provided on the basis of:

  • Act No. 154/2002 Coll., on transitory financing of certain social and health benefits for miners, as amended, including:
    • Special contribution to miners pursuant to Act No. 98/1987 Coll., on special contribution to miners, as amended (ZPH),
    • Compensations for loss of earnings after the end of absence from work for health reasons (rent) and compensation of damage caused to employees as a consequence of occupational injury or disease pursuant to Act No. 65/1965 Coll., the Labour Code, in the wording of Section 364 of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended, with the entitlement before 31 December 1992,
    • Free coal and wood pursuant to the Decree of FMFE (Federal Ministry of Fuel and Energy) of 13 January 1990 No. 1/1990, on free coal and wood, Reg. No. 59/1990 Coll., in the amount of non-valorised financial supply on the level of actual payments of 1992, with the entitlement before 16 January 1992 (allowance),
  • Government Regulation No. 167/2016 Coll., on a contribution to mitigate the social impact related to the restructuring and winding down of the activities of legal persons in insolvency engaged in coal mining, as amended.
  • Government Decree No 415/2020 Coll. amending Government Decree No 167/2016 Coll. on the allowance to mitigate the social impact related to the restructuring and winding down of the activities of legal persons in insolvency engaged in coal mining, effective from 16 October 2020. The application for the allowance and the instructions for its processing can be found here.
  • Government Decree No 342/2016 Coll., on the allowance to mitigate the social impact related to the restructuring or winding down of the activities of legal persons engaged in coal or uranium mining, as amended. The application for the allowance and instructions for its processing can be found here.
  • Government Decree No 491/2020 Coll. amending Government Decree No 342/2016 Coll. on the allowance to mitigate the social impact related to the restructuring or winding down of the activities of legal persons engaged in coal or uranium mining, effective from 2 December 2020. The application for the allowance and the instructions for its processing can be found here.

Obligatory social and health benefits are provided pursuant to Government Resolution No. 1128/2003, on the Programme for Completion of Restructuring of Coal Mining.

They include:

  • special contribution to miners pursuant to Act No. 98/1987 Coll., on special contribution to miners, as amended,
  • the supplement to the average earnings, as an obligatory mitigating social health benefit, can be paid only according to § 139 par. 1 let. a) of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labor Code, as amended, including the relevant social insurance and health insurance premiums pursuant to Acts No. 589/1992 Coll., on social security premiums and contributions to the state employment policy, as amended, and No. 592/1992 Coll., on public health insurance premiums, as amended,
  • severance pay pursuant to Section 67 et seq. of Act No. 262/2006 Coll., the Labour Code, as amended,
  • fidelity allowance to miners pursuant to Act No. 62/1983 Coll., on fidelity allowance to miners, as amended, and Government Regulation No. 67/1983 Coll., executing the Act on Fidelity Allowance to Miners, as amended.