DIAMO, state enterprise, branch Příbram
The branch Příbram was established on 1 September 2024 as part of the reorganisation of the state enterprise DIAMO by merging the branches Správa uranových ložisek in Příbram, GEAM Dolní Rožínka and PKÚ Chlumec.
The branch Příbram carries out the mitigation of the consequences of mining activities after uranium, ore and coal extraction at the sites under its management. This involves the rehabilitation of the rock environment affected by mining, cleaning of mine water, disposal of unused buildings and subsequent revitalisation of the landscape.
The work is carried out in accordance with the updated decommissioning projects for individual sites and within the scope of the allocated funds from the state budget.
Continuous activities include mining-technical monitoring of abandoned mine workings, monitoring of selected environmental components at all problem sites and monitoring of the mine water regime in the area affected by past coal mining. On the basis of applications, statements are issued in respect of undermining and deposit protection.
Cultivation activities are carried out on reclaimed spoil heaps, consisting of replanting damaged forest crops and repairing fences.
It manages the areas of interest of lakes Milada and Most.
Work is being carried out on the rehabilitation of poorly disposed of oil and gas wells.
Uranium is extracted as a by-product of the remediation of the rock environment from the purification of mine water from the Příbram, Olší and Rožná deposits. Sodium sulphate is obtained as a by-product in the technological process of cleaning tailings water at the Rožná site.
On 30 June 2020, DIAMO, the state enterprise, and the Czech Republic-SÚRAO concluded a contract on cooperation in the operation of the PVP Bukov at the Rožná mine for the period until 2030 with a possible option until 2035.
Based on the promotion of the circular economy and in accordance with the state's raw materials policy, crushed aggregate is currently being newly produced at the tailings pits No 11 and No 19 at the Příbram site. This aggregate, which complies with the CSN standards, is mainly used for linear and transport structures in the municipalities' extravilas. The largest project is currently the supply of aggregates for the completion of the D4 motorway.
The company is carrying out exploration works at the Zlaté Hory deposit.
The branch has a design department, a construction department and a machine production department, which is used, among other things, in the production and assembly of mine water treatment technology. The trucking company carries out remediation and reclamation works on tailings.
The division also operates accredited laboratories, provides transport of radioactive substances, mining rescue services and geological and mining surveying work.